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- Short: HTML-mode & lots more for XDME
- Author: Fergus Duniho
- Uploader: fdnh@troi.cc.rochester.edu
- Type: text/edit
- XDME Excelsior Suite 2.0 - A suite of files and programs that makes XDME
- excel even more. Automatic selection of localized major modes: C, ARexx,
- HTML, LISP, Outlining, Text, etc.; Spell Checking; Diary Maintenance; Many
- Emacs-like features and keymappings; Pagination; XPK support; Various GTB
- and ReqTools requesters; Many other features.
- Here are some of XES's features:
- I. Localized major modes
- A. Text mode. This mode provides automatic indenting of
- paragraphs.
- B. ARexx mode. This mode includes automatic line indentation
- and a set of macros for inserting various ARexx commands.
- C. Two C modes, ANSI and K&R, complete with automatic line
- indentation.
- D. HTML mode and Amigaguide mode for writing hypertext
- documents. Both include a set of macros for inserting
- various hypertext instructions.
- E. LISP mode. This mode is also useful for Installer scripts,
- as well as for any other language that uses parentheses in
- the same way as LISP does. It provides automatic indenting
- for LISP-like code.
- F. A general programming mode for other languages. This mode
- provides a modicum of automatic indenting to make
- programming a bit easier.
- G. An outline mode for writing outlines, such as this one.
- H. A proofs mode for writing logical proofs. (I'm a philosophy
- major.)
- II. Automatic major mode selection upon loading.
- III. The maintenance of a "Windows" menu that keeps track of all of
- XDME's windows.
- IV. Different styles of editing integrated with each other.
- A. Cutting and copying for all block types.
- B. Regions and rectangles, a la Emacs.
- V. XPK support, including automatic packing or encryption upon
- saving, and decryption with a password requester.
- VI. The maintenance of a personal diary, complete with password
- encryption and decryption.
- VII. Spellchecking via the AlphaSpell program and its accompanying
- dictionary.
- VIII. Automatic pagination via the Paginate program.
- IX. Various find and replace routines, including a Find requester
- and a Replace requester. The Replace requester lets you
- replace the word at the cursor, every occurance of the find
- string in the text, or every occurance in a block.
- X. Various Emacs like keymappings.
- XI. Various macros that make it easier to write other macros for
- Here are the changes made with the latest version:
- I. Various bug fixes
- A. SaveFile.xdme compensates for a new bug in XDME.
- B. ARexx mode more accurately matches END's with the
- appropriate DO or SELECT.
- C. Mode.xdme recognizes the new modes, and it is better at
- selecting the correct mode.
- D. "REXX:" replaced with "XES:Rexx/" in various ARexx scripts.
- E. Wholeword searching no longer overwrites words in caps.
- II. New features
- A. In Outline Mode, pressing the tab key will now properly
- format roman numeral headings of more than one letter in
- length, such as "II." or "VIII." But you will still need
- to use shift-tab for headings such as "I." and "V."
- B. Diary.xdme now gets the Diary drawer and the author's name
- from environment variables instead of having these values
- hard coded in the script. The Install script sets these
- environment variables.
- C. Interactive spell checking with AlphaSpell V.
- D. GUI for AlphaSpell V. Better than the one for AlphaSpell
- IV.
- E. New Rexx scripts
- 1. VER.xdme updates version strings in scripts.
- 2. Others. This is freeware. Expect better documentation
- from my shareware. Yes, I'm being lazy. Most of the
- REXX scripts simply aid in other tasks anyway, and you
- don't have to know about them to use them.
- III. Some obsolete files deleted.
- IV. Changing to version.revision version numbers. Jumped to version
- 2.0 to make this change clean. Each REXX script has its own
- version.revision number, where version 1.0 is how it was when I
- wrote VER.xdme.
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